Hope everyone had a great week! It's been crazy busy around here trying to get the girls ready for the start of school on Monday. Meet the teachers for both girls was last night and it has a bit hectic at my youngest daughter's school. We thought that would be the easy one, old school just new halls. NOPE. Lots of changes this year, but she's a trooper and we soldiered on.
Now for the reason we are really here. This piece is another estate sale piece and will be living here with me. I was lucky enough to find this Buffet, Table and chairs all from the same line. I tried to do a little research about the company, Myers-splait, out of Houston. Seems the first location was in Dallas, and the Houston Division opened around the 1910. So I'm guessing here, but I think this is from the 30's or 40's.
I really like this piece and debated for a week on the color, the wood was in good shape with the exception of the top. I sanded it all down and actually went ahead with some stripper..it had that yucky bubbled up Shellac on the legs. Then I stared at it some more..
I was leaning towards gray, and still am for the Table. But I had this sample of Blue, more like a country blue, which I didn't want. I also really wanted to try my Fiddes and Son wax that I ordered from Amazon. I love Amazon btw. Anyone reading this, I have a question. If you use this wax, is it supposed to be so runny? Mine is more like a gel...anywhoo. I went forward with the blue. Then I used a clear wax and then the final step was the Cherry wax! I also stained the legs, drawers and doors. So here he is.
And here's a close up of the finish.
I'm really happy with how he turned out. What do ya'll think?
Now to get to work on the table..
Naomi Grace